1. Hit Counter
Hit counter can count every hit given by your visitors. Hit counters will count the number of page impressions ( how many times visitor views your web pages)
When visitor hit on your blog posts and navigate through your site hit counter count each and every hit/impression he/she gives to your blog.
When your pages are refresh by user these impressions also can count by hit counter as page impressions
These hit counters are in html format you can add a hit counter to your site for free from HERE
You can see the way to add a hit counter to your site step by step from here
2. Flag Counter
Now lets see what is a flag counter? This is also a type of traffic counter where you will able to see where your visitors from. It will tell how many visitors from each country. Number of visitors will appear infront of the small image of the flag of each country
you can add flag counter to your blog from here
from that link you can read steps of adding a flag counter.
When you click on flag counter you will see where your last visitor come from and newest country (visitor from a new country, no visitors from that country visits your site before )
you can view details about visitors of pass 30 days and how many times flag counter views like that you can view details about your visitors
3. Traffic counter
This is another type of traffic counter this will show you how many online and how many visitors visit your site today. And total visitors of your site But the problem with this counter is it takes time to load
And it count same visitor as two visitors if he/she visit twice. CLICK HERE to add and read more
4. There is another visitor counter same as the above one shows how many online how many visitors today and total visitors
it loads quickly
count according to the ip address so count only unique visitors.
it shows IP address of your visitor, Country of your visitor and how many hits ( to see these details click on the counter)
This is a collection of all hit counter, Traffic counter, flag counter
When click on this you can see details
after reading this now you can get an idea about what is the most suitable counter for your site
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