In foreign exchange market currencies are traded. Currencies are important to any one because currencies needed to exchange to conduct foreign trades and business. If you are living in USA and want to buy some vehicles from Japan you or the company which buy vehicles from Japan have to pay to Japan with Japanese Yen. As well as when travelling if American traveler travel to another country in Europe that person should have to pay with Euro not with USD inside that country because USD is not locally acceptable in European Countries.
Usually currencies need to change for day today activities this is the main reason for fx market becomes the largest financial market in the world.
And there is no central market place for currency trading in Fx market. In fx market Usually all the transactions done electronically through computer networks. Using computer networks all transactions done over the traders in all over the world. This market open all the 24 hours of the day, Five and a half days per week and trading done in major financial centers of London New York Tokyo, Zurich, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Singapore, Paris and Sydney almost all the time zones involve in this market. So When this end in USA new one start in Hong Kong so FX market never sleep never stop active in every 24 hours of the day. So price quotes changes constantly
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